Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Our Little princess...

We have always called Abigail our little princess, but lately we could call her our little challenger...   She likes to challenge everything we say or do. She WAS in a crib up until about 3 weeks ago, when she learned that she could climb out. Which she did repeatedly until she just didn't have to take a nap. So we converted her crib to a toddler day bed. Now she plays and plays in her room until she becomes too tired, and then she will climb in her bed and go to sleep. Every time taking something in her bed with her to sleep, like a baby doll, book, stuffed animal...On this day she decided to take the whole baby stroller!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just literally "Laughed Out Loud"!!!!! I love it. I need to print this picture and put it on the fridge so I can look at it when I need to laugh!!! (or when Jack is being nuts, I can look at this and know I am not alone! haha)
