Thursday, March 31, 2011


Here is a funny story.

The other day when Sean came home from work, I noticed when he took his shoes off, that he was wearing two different tan colored socks. I messed with him sooo bad and gave him such a hard time. I said, "you didn't notice that your socks were different when put them on?" I mean I went on and on and on. It was pretty funny.

But that's not the funny story...

So the next morning, when he was getting ready for work, he came out of the bedroom waving a pair of socks in the air. A pair of tan colored socks that were folded together, that were two different colors! Apparently the laundry lady folded different color socks together and put them in the drawer to be worn. Oh wait, I'm the laundry lady...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Officially potty trained!

I decided to potty train Abigail the week before Christmas. She was showing signs of being ready, so I thought I would give it a shot. So straight to panties we went, even at naps and nighttime. I don't do the pull-ups thing, I would rather wash sheets everyday then use pull-ups. But much to my surprise I wasn't washing sheets all day, everyday. Abigail took right to it and did awesome! Giving her a sucker everytime she went potty had nothing to do with it, I'm sure. Haha. She really only had a handful of accidents at the beginning. Hayden trained so easy, so I just knew Abigail would be challenging, but she was even easier than him. So I guess Emmaline will be the challenging one. This picture is from the beginning of her potty training days when she was playing at Aunt Lisa's house with Savana. Which is another reason she probably trained so easily, Savana was already trained and Abigail wants to do everything her best cousin does! So since it has been 3 months since she went to panties, I would say she is officially potty trained!  (I am superstitious, so I haven't talked about her potty training before, because I didn't want her to regress!) I'm crazy, I know

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dare me?

Emmaline, "You dare me??  I'll drop it!" 

And she does over and over and over!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Boat!

We got a new boat on Tuesday. We are all sooo excited, can't wait for summer! We will probably go out to the lake every day that Sean is off. Which will mean, he will probably never use our swimming pool this summer! Oh well the kids and I will use it for sure. Because everyone in the Memphis area knows that there isn't much to do in our HOT summer heat besides hang out by the water! So whether it is the pool or the lake, we will be there!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


That's a tutu around her neck! She's crazy.


We went to our favorite Sushi buffet today on Sean's day off, and since Emmaline can't eat sushi yet, she decided to eat her big toe!! Yum Yum

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pain, pain, pain

Nice weather equals playing outside, which equals many skinned knees, elbows, toes, feet, hands, fingers...yall getting the picture??  My kids are especially clumsy, they always fall down. Literally ALL the time. And most importantly, they are so dramatic!! This was Hayden's first boo-boo of the Spring. He skinned the side of his heel (I know, I wondered too, how is that even possible??)  As you can see, it crippled him, he couldn't even walk! Poor boy

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ears Pierced

Today I took Abigail to get her ears pierced. She cried for about 2 minutes then she was fine. I think this little play cell phone with lipstick in it was my saving grace! Those are her two favorite things, so after I opened it she was golden!

And thanks MaMaw for going with us to help!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We've been flocked!

Aunt Lisa sent these flamingos our way the other day. We had to make a donation to a youth group from a local church to have the birds removed. It was funny and the kids loved it. Abigail still talks about them every time we pull in the driveway.  Thanks Aunt Lisa!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Hayden had Wacky Wednesday at school last week. He kept saying, "I'm sooo wacky!" 

Sunday, March 6, 2011


The picture isn't the clearest, but you can still get the idea. She's not too fond of the peas, but I will have to say she seemed to enjoy them more than the peaches.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Big girl!

My little baby is 6 months old now and sooo big!  She rolls around non stop and all over the place. She is even pulling herself around, crawling is in her very very near future. She looks so big sitting up here! And the biggest notable difference is that she is wearing size 12 month clothes! As my dad and her Papaw would say, "God she's fat!"    

Friday, March 4, 2011

Homemade baby food

Sean whipped up some baby food last night for Emmaline...peaches, pears, and peas. So this morning she had peaches for the first time. A little tart for her liking, not the cereal with bananas that she is used to. She'll come around though, I'm sure. Abigail on the other hand loved the peaches! And wanted MORE!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oh my

I have to get this little bike outside now before she really hurts herself......and yes, that is a sucker in her mouth too!!!

Little Daredevil

I'm not looking forward to the emergency room visit that is probably in our future with Abigail.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Great-Grandparents

Here is the kids with their great-grandparents. We all had a blast in Naples and are so glad we were able to visit with them!